I previously posted about the employment rights of service members. I also want to point out that reservists are protected as well. Reservist veterans returning from deployments in
Iraq and Afghanistan have a special set of rights granted to them by the
federal government to insure that those who have sacrificed so much for the
freedoms we all take for granted, are able to go back to work, and not be
penalized for the time they spent deployed and away from their jobs. Returning
veterans are guaranteed the same status and rights at their workplace as any
non-military employee who has been on leave or furlough. These rights are
protected for five years while deployed.
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of
1994 (USERRA) safeguards the rights of service members in several
ways. First, USERRA requires that returning reservists are placed into the
position they would have attained if they had remained on the job during
employment. This “escalator clause” as it is called guarantees “the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and
benefits determined by seniority.” If additional training is needed for the
veteran to go into the escalator job, requires that reasonable efforts be made
by the employer to help returning service member employees to “refresh or
upgrade their skills to help them qualify for reemployment.” USERRA states that
the employer of a returning reservist must provide an alternative job, if the
service member cannot qualify for the escalator position.
USERRA provides for our wounded
warriors. USERRA requires employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate
the disability. If a service member is still recovering from injuries received
on active duty, they have up to two years to return to work or apply for